UCan Opening Doors for International Students to Study in Canada
The growing platform empowers international students to find the best match for their education goals Vancouver, B.C. –…

The growing platform empowers international students to find the best match for their education goals
Vancouver, B.C. – Terrific news from another startup in incubation at Empowered Startups. Jane Cheung came into the incubator with big goals – to revolutionize the post-secondary application process for both students and admissions departments. Presently it is a costly and tiresome process for both students and admissions. Students apply to schools individually, each with its own unique process, and pay application fees for each school. The experience is not any better for Admissions departments as recruiters travel the globe to promote their programs while administrators screen thousands of applications to determine who is eligible and the best fit for their institution.
Shortly after coming into the incubator, Jane launched UCan, an innovative bilingual platform in English and Chinese for students to explore which programs and post-secondary institutions are a fit for their study interests and goals – making it easier to students to study in Canada. Jane signed up 6 post-secondary schools for partnerships with UCan and to date has placed 47 students in post-secondary schools.
“It has been tremendously exciting to be so well received by both students and schools. We started with a traditional manual process to understand the challenges from both students and admissions departments. We then took what we learned from there and rolled out a web app that begins to remove some of the challenges in the application process. The development team is working on the next version of UCan which builds on our core technology and adds additional functionality.” – Jane Cheung, Founder and CEO of UCan
In terms of market growth over the next year, UCan is focused on growing users in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. In addition, it will shortly be bringing on another 10 Canadian post secondary institutions. For its platform, UCan will be adding additional features that help students to find the best match between schools, programs, and student goals. As well as adding features so that schools can self-register on UCan.
“It has been so exciting to see the response to what we are building. A lot of hard work has gone into proving out our model. We won’t ever stop bringing on features and improving the experience of applying to schools, but we are excited that now we also get to focus on growth.” – Jane Cheung, Founder and CEO of UCan
UCan releases the next version of its web app in June 2023. Sign up on its website to get the latest updates on the release.
About UCan
UCan, founded in 2021, is an intelligent, Chinese-English platform for Chinese speaking students to search and apply to Canada’s education institutions.
UCan will be a leader in intelligent analytics to optimize the admission process for students and post-secondary institutions. Its platform will ensure that students can quickly and easily apply to multiple schools at the same time while simultaneously screening applications so that an institution’s admissions department is only required to review eligible applications.
Contact Information
Jane Cheung – Founder and CEO
Email – [email protected]
Photo by Vasily Koloda